11 Feb 2016
By: Jessica Radloff/Glamour Correspondent

Meslissa Rauch & Simon Helberg in ‘The Big Bang Theory’ – The Valentino Submergence episode 9.15. Image: WBEI/CBS
Caution: Major spoilers ahead!
CBS has been teasing constantly that this episode would reveal the biggest Big Bang Theory secret ever—and now we finally know! But was it the biggest secret in the show’s history? To be honest, not exactly. It was a pretty profound reveal, but it wasn’t quite as earth shattering as learning that Amy and Sheldon would have coitus or that Leonard and Penny would tie the knot. Still, the news that (drumroll, please) Bernadette is pregnant is a majorly exciting development, and one that will change the show as it heads into its 10th season.
Of course, Howard doesn’t know that Bernadette is pregnant because a rabbit on the loose conveniently stopped that from happening. Still, it’s a secret we didn’t see coming (click here to see what we thought the secret was!) since executive producer Steve Molaro told us a mere two months ago that there were “no immediate plans [for a baby].” So what changed? After all, Molaro said that while you “never know” what could happen, “that is the kind of thing that can really affect the DNA of a show.” Molaro wasn’t trying to lead us or anyone on with those quotes. At that time (in early December), he hadn’t even strongly thought about the possibility of a Big Bang baby this soon. When we caught up with Molaro after the taping of Big Bang‘s 200th episode on Tuesday night, he told Glamour that he came up with the idea two days before the table read of “The Valentino Submergence” (which most likely took place in early January). Per our conversation this past Tuesday night, he casually mentioned the idea of a Wolowitz/Rostenkowski baby to his fellow producers and writers—and surprisingly (for Molaro), it was met with much fanfare.
Melissa Rauch (Bernadette) was shocked by the decision, but she was totally thrilled to play all of the upcoming story lines that being pregnant and having a baby will bring. The actress—who in real life is not expecting—hasn’t been fitted for a fake baby bump yet, but she knows that wardrobe change is coming and is looking forward to the whole process.
Exciting baby announcement aside though, the true heart of “The Valentino Submergence” belonged to Sheldon and Amy, who shared one of the most heartfelt moments as a couple in this episode. During Fun With Flags, Sheldon got uncharacteristically serious as he talked to Raj (nursing a broken heart after splitting with Emily) about his own difficulties with love. “I acknowledge how painful [break-ups] can be,” he told his friend. “However, pain has an evolutionary purpose…Raj, I’m sorry you’re suffering. When Amy and I broke up, I also suffered. This may sound surprising, but I’m grateful for having gone through it.” A surprised Amy (as well as the audience), couldn’t believe that Sheldon Cooper was being so raw and mature. “Really?” asked a puzzled Amy. “Yes,” responded Sheldon. “I believe our relationship now is stronger than ever…When we were apart, I learned how important you are to me. I realize that when two people are in love, sometimes they…”
‘Big Bang Theory’ Boss on Bernadette’s Big Bombshell
by Lesley Goldberg/Hollywood Reporter
As for Penny and Leonard, they realize they’re getting older and try to bring some spontaneity back to their marriage by surprising Sheldon and Amy with a costumed confetti parade.
To get the scoop on Bernadette’s pregnancy and what to expect from the remainder of season nine, The Hollywood Reporter turned to showrunner Molaro.
When did you come up with Bernadette’s pregnancy?
We’ve touched on the idea of Bernadette and Howard and children here and there but we didn’t really have plans to pull the trigger at any point. It wasn’t even part of the outline for the episode. We were writing it and getting toward the end of the story and I guess maternity was in the air because Bernadette was holding this wrapped up bunny and they named it and we were writing the final page of that storyline. Half-kidding, I said, “What if Bernadette tells the rabbit, ‘We’ll find another time to tell him I’m pregnant.’ ” The room had such a strong, positive reaction to it. We thought it seemed like an organic moment and we decided to put it in. Because there was no plan for it, it felt very exciting to us when we did it; like it was a thing that should happen and maybe this was the time to do it. I handed [co-creator] Chuck Lorre the draft of the script and didn’t tell him it was in there. He got to the end and thought, “Wow, OK sure, that totally makes sense. Let’s do it.”
Why is now the right time for it?
Part of what makes the time right is that it maybe doesn’t feel completely right — and that’s what we ‘re attracted to. There were a lot of questions not that long ago when Sheldon and Amy were consummating their relationship and we’d get asked, “Why now?” Part of me feels that the fact that you’re surprised enough to ask me, “Why now,” is a good reason that now is a good time. Having a baby in real life and on a show, it seems like there’s never going to be a really clear and appropriate time. If it seemed like the obvious time, it wouldn’t be exciting for us to do it. Babies take a long time to come. This baby wouldn’t be due until halfway through season 10 of the show. We’re in the middle of our ninth year, why not now?!
Big Bang Theory Recap: Howard and Bernadette Are [Spoiler]!
by Ryan Schwartz/TVLine
It’s official (and somewhat unexpected): Howard and Bernadette are having a baby — even if Howard doesn’t know it yet.
Thursday’s Valentine’s Day episode of The Big Bang Theory revealed that the longtime couple will soon be first-time parents. Meanwhile, Sheldon’s live edition (!) of Fun With Flags turned into his own personal nightmare, Leonard and Penny’s night on the town took an unexpected route and Raj broke up with Emily to explore a (non-existent) future with Claire.
In “The Valentino Submergence,” Howard and Bernadette purchase a romantic hot tub for two. Unfortunately, their plans to take a dip (or in Howard’s case, a skinny dip) in the jacuzzi are disrupted when Howard discovers what he believes to be a large rodent flopping around in the water.
Soon enough, the creature’s revealed to be a rabbit, which the couple attempt to nurse back to health before it ultimately bites Howard’s finger, provoking an immediate sense of panic in the birthday-suited man-child and a decision to visit the ER. As Howard exits, Bernadette mutters to herself that it might not be the best time to tell her husband that she’s pregnant. (No offense, Bernie, but you don’t need to be a microbiologist to know that!)
Raj and Claire might have had a vibe last week, but there’s no denying it meant more to him than it did to her. In fact, it meant so much to Raj that he goes as far as breaking up with Emily to explore a future with the aspiring screenwriter. Little does he know that Claire just got back together with her boyfriend, and she’s not about to give that up for someone she just met. A later attempt to get Emily back proves unsuccessful on his part — and rightfully so.
The Big Bang Theory shocker: Bernadette’s big news!
by: Natalie Abrams/Entertainment Weekly
he Big Bang Theory has a baby on the way for Bernadette!
During the Valentine’s Day-themed episode, Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) and Howard (Simon Helberg) discover a young rabbit in their spa, whom they’re able to bring back to life. But after Howard gets bitten, their night is cut short so he can go to the emergency room to check for rabies. “We’ll find another time to tell him I’m pregnant,” Bernadette says to the rabbit.
The move to having children seems like a natural progression for The Big Bang Theory’s first couple to be married, especially since the comedy is in its ninth season — for what its worth, another long-running comedy Friends saw Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) get pregnant in its eighth season.
‘Big Bang Theory’ Baby Bombshell — Can You Believe [SPOILER] Is Pregnant?!
by Leanne Aguiliera/Entertainment Tonight
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‘The Big Bang Theory’ Valentine’s Day Episode Drops a Big Bombshell (SPOILERS)
by Debra Birnbaum/Variety
It’s Valentine’s Day, and the gang is ready to ring in the holiday in style — but their celebrations don’t go exactly according to plan.
Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Penny (Kaley Cuoco) have a romantic dinner planned at a restaurant, but the maitre d informs them they have to wait an hour for their table. He resists their attempts at bribery and flirtation, even calling her — gasp — “ma’am.” They’re desperate to prove they’re still young and fun.
Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) and Howard (Simon Helberg) hope to break in their new hot tub, but discover what they think is a rat flopping around. It turns out to be a rabbit, which they start trying to care for.
Raj (Kunal Nayyar) decides to break up with Emily so he can ask out his new bookstore crush Claire — who just got back together with her boyfriend.
Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and Amy Farrah Fowler (Mayim Bialik) stage a live edition of “Fun with Flags” — but their show gets interrupted by a heartbroken Raj (“What’s wrong with me? Why am I so self-destructive?”), not to mention Kripke.
There’s lots to love about The Big Bang Theory on Valentine’s Day
By Kyle Fowle/AVClub
Holiday-themed episodes tend to have a way of forcing TV shows to really focus on creating a connective thread between the episode’s various plots. Sometimes the holiday theme is a way to bring a bunch of characters together for one big chaotic bit of comedy. Sometimes it allows certain pairings to separate and yet remain thematically connected across the half-hour. Tonight’s Valentine’s Day-themed episode of The Big Bang Theory falls into that latter category, with the day of love and companionship (or loneliness and gross capitalism, depending on where you stand) promoting an episode structure that sees each subplot nicely tied together.
Considering that the show has struggled to find a way forward for all the characters after intensely focusing on Amy and Sheldon’s relationship for the first half of the season, the cohesive nature of this episode is more than welcome. It starts with the group of guys sitting in the cafeteria, Sheldon inviting all of them to join him and Amy for a special Valentine’s Day live stream of ‘Fun With Flags.’ Howard declines because he’s breaking in a new hot tub with Bernadette (Sheldon has no idea what he means), Leonard declines because he has dinner plans with Penny and also declines any future invitations, and Raj declines because he’s hanging out with Emily, or so he says in the saddest voice possible. Thus begins a discussion about whether Raj should finally break up with Emily, something he’s been thinking about for quite some time. For too long the show has ignored their relationship, so it’s nice to see their issues getting some screen time.
Eventually, Raj decides he’s going to do it; he’s going to break up with Emily and call Claire, the woman he met at the comic book store, and ask her on a date. Or at least that’s what the weird flash-forward thing suggests he’s thinking about. Inevitably, it leads to Raj thinking that he’s going to be alone for the rest of his life, that he can’t help but sabotage every relationship he enters into. That emotional setup sets the stage for Raj’s storyline intersecting with Amy and Sheldon’s, as he calls into ‘Fun With Flags’ and begins venting about his relationship troubles. On their own, the vignettes aren’t so interesting; the show has been down this road with Raj before, so seeing his insecurity pushed to the forefront just isn’t very fresh or interesting. However, the way “The Valentino Submergence” structures these segments makes for good comedy. Every time the camera cuts back to ‘Fun With Flags,” Sheldon is seen to be more and more distraught by the fact that his show has been derailed. The final cut sees him with his head buried in his arms in complete defeat, and it’s a hilarious bit of comedic timing. The coda that ends the segment also keeps things nicely balanced between sharp and charming; ‘Fun With Flags,’ somewhat amazingly, is always reliable.