By Mayim Bialik on October 15, 2014 at 10:22 AM

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So everyone asks me about what it’s like to work on “The Big Bang Theory.” What’s Sheldon like? What’s Penny like? Do you all get along?
Sheldon, played by Jim Parsons, is awesome. I have written here about how much I adore that man.
Penny, played by Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, is a super skilled, seasoned performer who always dresses cool and just is the epitome of cool. Her jewelry is always cool. Even in workout clothes she looks amazing and cool.
We do all get along. There are a lot of laughs when we have scenes together. It’s a happy set.
What’s even more interesting and wonderful about my job, though, is getting to know and work with our writers. They write the stuff that you all love. They are a really neat group of men and women. You love them even though you don’t know them.
One of our writers just wrote a book called “Does Santa Exist?”. Eric Kaplan has written for some of the most funny shows you’ve seen in the past 20 years. He also has probably written some of your favorite jokes on “TBBT,” I can almost guarantee it. He’s hysterical.