27 Sept 2015

Jamie Lawson Image: c
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British musician, Jamie Lawson was inspired by The Big Bang Theory while watching ‘The Prom Equivalency’ (Season 8, Episode 8) by listening to the words Sheldon Cooper spoke to Amy which led him to write ‘The Only Conclusion.’ “Basically Sheldon is struggling to understand his feelings with Amy Farrah-Fowler and he says something like ‘I’ve gone through all the options. The only conclusion is love’ and that was him admitting he was able to do that. I thought that was brilliant ‘The only conclusion is love’. I think I went straight to the piano and started writing that”. It’s just weird how things come about,” said Lawson.
Lawson said he feels ‘The Only Conclusion’ is probably his favorite song on the album because it was inspired while watching the episode on The Big Bang Theory. “People are going to be very upset by that” Lawson joked when interviewed recently by Noise11.
Below is the scene that inspired him, clip courtesy of ©2015 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Lawson signed to Ed Sheeran’s new Gingerbread Man records label, the first artist to do so and his new album will be the first release for the label. Lawson has previously released Last Night Stars album through Allotment Reocrdings in 2003; The Pull of the Moon through Lookout Mountain in 2010; a single ‘Wasn’t Expecting That’ through Universal Music Ireland in March 2011 and then an album under the same title in April 2011 through Lookout Mountain. In September 2011 he released ‘Lucy Rocks’ single from the same album. In April 2015 Lawson re-released his single “Wasn’t ExpectingThat’ through Atlantic Records. In opened for One Direction for three nights of their 2015 ‘On the Road Again Tour.’
Lawson’s ‘The Only Conclusion’ will be featured on his new album, Jamie Lawson which is due to release October 9.
Lawson was asked if anyone from The Big Bang Theory has approached him about using the song in a future episode or on the show. His response was “That would be amazing. Wouldn’t that be amazing?” but thus far because it has yet to be released, no one from the show is even aware of the song. Our hope is that the show will learn of the song and perhaps find a way to fit it into an episode!
You can pre-order Lawson’s new album on Amazon, iTunes or Google Play.